Conversations with Creators: Kristy Benz


Next up is actor Kristy Benz, who portrays Christine in A Doll’s House: Wild Rose


what are three words that describe you best?

Exuberant, physical, endearing

What about this play/character challenges you?

 I’m challenged to create a nuanced, true-to-life character who wants and feels and lives and breathes in the moment

What about this play/character freaks you out a little?

This is my second time playing a divorcee with this theatre company. Are they trying to tell me something? Is my love life doomed? What is love? What is a healthy relationship? Is my character comfortable being alone? Am I comfortable being alone? Will I die earlier than my married counterparts?  

What is one thing you wish the audience could know about the show to make them excited to see it?

It’s not the play you think you know! Sure, some aspects are the same, but some are turned right on their heads.  

DIY Theatre